How safe is barre for pregnant women?

We get this question a lot. Which means that our IBBFA-certified instructors are committed to teaching the best quality exercise with safety in mind. So proud! So let’s chat.
Most women who actively workout continue to do so while pregnant through their first trimester. IBBFA-certified instructor Tammy Fourcier, who has been through two pregnancies since taking and teaching barre, offers insight on barre for pregnant women. “Unless a doctor has given a patient specific instructions or limitations during the first trimester (usually for high-risk pregnancies), there are really very few limitations during the first trimester,” she says. “If there are limitations, your student would most likely know and disclose it, so I don’t think you need to worry about it if a student of yours does not disclose it during their first trimester.”
IBFFA designed the course to teach instructors how to give modifications for all physical limitations. If you notice a pregnant student in your class who may appreciate some additional modifications, don’t be afraid to show them!
That being said, the Barre Level 1 program is a foundational course; we do not train you to teach pre-natal and post-natal women at this level. To safely teach barre for pregnant women (especially those further along than the first trimester), you need an additional Prenatal Barre Certification, which can be completed after you have passed the Barre Level 1 Course. If you have an existing certification for teaching pregnant women, you can easily incorporate a majority of our barre program into a class using modifications that are provided in the training materials.
“It is awesome to take the pre-natal certification [course] as it does provide you with an arsenal of knowledge, modifications, and exercises for your pregnant clients,” Tammy says. “You can design an prenatal class which is a valuable offering for your studio!”